Business Resources


BizPaL helps you find the permits and licenses you may require when starting and/or operating your business. Filter permits based on your location, industry, and business activities and save the ones that apply to your situation. BizPaL is a service provided by federal, provincial/territorial, municipal governments and First Nations.

Visit the BizPal Website

Cypress Planning District

The Cypress Planning District (CPD) is a partnership between the Town of Carberry, Municipality of North Cypress-Langford, Village of Glenboro, and Rural Municipality of South Cypress. The major purpose of the CPD is to provide and increased level of co-ordination and cooperation among the participating municipalities, primarily with regard to land use and land development issues. Contact the Planning District to determine if you need a permit for your building or development project. 

Visit the Cypress Planning District Website

Community Futures Westman

Community Futures Westman is a community-based, volunteer-driven organization that strengthens the economy of southwestern Manitoba by operating a Business Development Centre, and by cooperating with individuals, communities and other agencies to encourage community economic development.

Services Offered:

  • They can assist you with the following topics: business plan preparation, cash flow projections, business resource library, market information and bookkeeping assistance.
  • They provide repayable loans of up to $150,000 to entrepreneurs that wish to start their own business. 
  • The offer a self-employment program with coaching in a business plan development and advice and support, to unemployed individuals eligible for EI.

Visit the Community Futures Westman Website