Carberry Health Centre

340 Toronto Street

Prairie Mountain Health Website

The Carberry Health Centre houses a 10-bed hospital, emergency room, 36 bed personal care home and a health clinic, among other health services such as diagnostic services, public health, home care and rehabilitation services.

Hospital / Emergency room   204-834-2144
Medical Clinic  204-834-2126
Personal Care Home 204-834-8832
Public Health Services 204-834-8837
Home Care 204-834-8836
Diagnostic Services (Lab, X-Ray, EKG) 204-834-8831
Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy 204-834-8843
Mental Health Services   204-834-8841

For health advice Manitobans are encouraged to call Health Links/Info Santé at 1-888-315-9257.

Carberry Health Clinic

At the Carberry Health Clinic, two doctors and a nurse practitioner provide primary care to residents of Carberry and surrounding areas. You can call the Clinic to see which providers are accepting patients and to make an appointment. 

Front view of the Carberry Health Clinic, a low stone building with two white front columns and a green roof.


The Prairie Mountain Health EMS (ambulance) provides emergency response for the communities of Carberry and Glenboro and surrounding areas. All residents making 911 calls are transported to the nearest open emergency department. 

Emergency Room

Carberry Health Centre  |  340 Toronto Street  

The Carberry Health Clinic provides emergency room services on a shared basis with the neighbouring community of Glenboro. Residents are encouraged to call the Carberry Health Centre at 204-834-2144 to determine the nearest open emergency department.